Paesaggi Migranti is promoted by a young group of european

professionals involved in architecture, design, graphics

performing arts, history and pedagogy


Artisti in Piazza


Artisti in Piazza is one of the main performing arts festivals in Italy. Renowned as a showcase of buskers culture, it is established since 1997 for its multidisciplinary offer, managing to iterate with the community of Pennabilli and its inhabitants, enhancing the value of public engagement.


Musss, Natural History Museum / Environment and Sustainability Education Centre of Sasso Simone and Simoncello Natural Park, promote research and activities with a focus on landscape and environment topics. Musss’s projects involve citizens, experts, schools and institutions, creating a network with national and international realities.

MEDS Workshop

MEDS network links students and young professionals active in the fields of architecture, graphic and product design. Every year the group organise an international and itinerant meeting, involving 250 young people in a workshop that in a urban area, generating interests in either socio cultural activities.

Pro Loco Pennabilli

Pro Loco Pennabilli is a local association that keeps alive the local traditions and promotes tourism. It also manages the "Mateureka" Museum (Museum of Calculus) and it owns Parco Begni. It collaborates with other local associations, with the Town Tourism and Culture Department and promotes the involvement of the community through many events and activities.